Watch the scene below and think of what Red says about his life. How do you feel about it? What crime do you think he must have committed?
Read the script below and try to complete it as you listen to it.
INT -- ____________ HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1967)
Red enters, sits. 20 years older than when we first saw him.
MAN #1
Your file says you've served ______
years of a life sentence. You feel
you've been rehabilitated?
Red doesn't answer. Just stares off. Seconds tick by. The
parole board exchanges glances. Somebody clears his throat.
MAN #1
Shall I ______ the question?
I heard you. _________. Let's
see now. You know, come to think of
it, I have no _____ what that _____.
MAN #2
Well, it means you're ready to
________ society as a--
I know _________ it means. Me,
I think it's a made-up word, a poli-
tician's word. A word so young fellas
like you can _____r a suit and tie and
have a job. What do you really want
to know? Am ___________?
- -----
MAN #2
Well...are you?
Not a day goes by I don't feel
_______, and not because I'm in here
or because you think I should. I
look back on myself the way I
was...stupid kid who did that
_______ _____...wish I could talk
sense to him. Tell him how things
are. But I can't. That kid's ____
_____, this old man is all that's
left, and I have to live with that.
____________? That's a bullshit
word, so you just go on ahead and
stamp that form there, sonny, and
stop wasting my damn time. Truth
is, I _____ _____ a _______.
The parole board just stares. Red sits drumming his fingers.
A big rubber stamp SLAMS down -- and lifts away to reveal the...