Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saint Patrick's day!

What do you know about this celebration? 
The video below is going to help you find out more about it. Let's watch it?

suggested by teacher Alexandre Oliveira

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Come again? - Listening activities

Come again? é nossa nova sessão de posts aqui do TechZone. São atividades propostas para melhorar sua habilidade autitiva na língua inglesa. A maioria delas são tiradas de links que já estão disponíveis para você na página de nome "Listening".

Come again é uma expressão idiomática que quer dizer em nosso lindo português brasileiro "como é que é?" ou em inglês "can you repeat what you've just said?"
Today we will listen to audio activities talking about weather forecast. We are in March and here in Manaus it has been raining a lot, right? What can you tell about weather in your hometown or country? What seasonal changes do people in your hometown experience throughout the year? Are there four basic seasons (i.e., winter, spring, summer, and fall)? Is it one season all year around? Do you have a typhoon, hurricane, or rainy season? 

Click the link below and do the activity we suggest today. It will be worth it! While there doing the activity, find the meaning for the idioms bellow:
  • "fair-weather friend" = ?   
"He's just a fair-weather friend, so when things become difficult, don't expect him to be around to help you."
  •  "under the weather" = ?
"My mom has been a little under the weather for the past few days." 

Write to us and let us know if you found the idioms.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's today - Internationa Women's Day!

Have you thought of women's contribution to world's greatest inventions? No? You have to watch this video.
Happy day, women!
Can you name more inventions or contributions by women? What about Brazilian ones? Go search for more. I am sure you will find lots of great things in the cyberspace.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Come with me to the bakery!

Você já esteve alguma vez na vida em um supermercado nos Estados Unidos?
How do you say 'padaria' in English? Don't you know? Come on! Look it up and come back here.
Ok, now that you know how to say padaria in English, tell me the things you usually buy in a bakery here in Brazil. 
Now, do you know what you can buy in a US bakery? Let's find it out? Be ready to take notes.

Did you like it? Good! What are you going to fix for dinner tonight? Go ahead! Continue watching the video.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ICBEU feito para você!


TOEFL Ibt Lab Guided Study (TILGS)
Fique por dentro de tudo sobre o exame do TOEFL
- Assistência individual
- Simulados e exercícios
- Dica e orientações

O TILGS tem carga horária de 42 horas. O formato do curso será em "pacote*" que pode ser utilizado semanalmente em horários pré-estabelecidos pelos gerentes do laboratório de línguas do ICBEU; possibilitando horários flexíveis.
*Material didático não está incluído.

Início do pacote: 26 de março de 2012
Final do pacote: 14 de junho de 2012
(vc organiza seu tempo dentro deste período para cumprir seus estudos)

Investimento R$ 500,00
Formas de pagamento: a vista em dinheiro ou débito R$ 475,00
ou em 2x no cartão de crédito sem desconto.

Tel: (92) 32325919

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